Fuck that was good
Fuck that was good
The sound and voices were annoying, the drawings and the animation too simple, the "jokes" not funny and the video, not worth watching. It seems that you tried to create a comedy video, but it was not funny at all. And it resembled Eddsworld a little, if you ask me. Now, how about some tips?
There was no music in the entire flash. This is not right. Most of the times, a good video needs music. Without a song coming to our ears, the silence usually makes the video boring (although there are exceptions for this, like the Jerry series from HotDiggedyDemon). And that's what this video is, boring. I suggest you taking a look at the audio portal; there thousands and thousands (if not millions) of songs there that you could use in a way or another. And I also think the sounds used were painfull to hear and the voice-acting was bad. Maybe you could contact some good people willing to help on the BBS or posting a message on the frontpage, I dunno.
About the animation, it was something too... silly. The drawings weren't that good and the animation didn't have much movement (not mentionating your "smoothness"...). The preloader, the introduction and the credits had only a simple and boring white background. Even if they were black instead of white it would be better (I think it's because it gives that movie feeling =p). The sky was only a blue space and the grass, a green one. WORLDOFTOM, give this baby more details! At least try to do so. Draw more, train more, think more, get better! If you can make the visual quality better, so will be your video. Try making more (and smooth) movements and decent drawings. And for example, don't use just one colour in each part of the scenario; and give a chance to some FBF (frame by frame) animation.
Ok, so maybe you think that it's too much work for you, but you still want to submit videos to NG. Well, if that would be the case, I say one last thing to you, fella: make it enjoyable. It doesn't matter if your video is like this or like that; as long as it's enjoyable people will give their 5s and "AWESOME!"s to you. Some flashes don't actually have much quality or effort put into it, but if people like to see it anyway, that's all that matters for most of them! But be aware that quality (musical and visual) is always important to make a video enjoyable. Some of them are enjoyable just by the fact that they have very well made animations and songs in it. What I'm trying to say is this: if you want to make a movie that people would enjoy, watch it and think if you enjoy it yourself. Forget all that you passed creating your work, think that it's from someone else and how you would rate it. Boring or enjoyable? "Now you're thinking with flash portals" ;)
Anyway, I think I've already written enough :s. Now taking a look at my opinion and hating or liking my suggestions, I hope you make something nice and funny next time, WORLDOFTOM. A "fuck you" from you would just mean to me that you now know many things that could make your videos better (I'm almost sure you would read the review because, after all, like... "WOW! A huge review? About my video?! I have to check it out!" XD). And I guess that's what matters in the end of a review, right? Ok, ok, I'll stop writing now. Good luck on your future projects, buddy.
Thanks for the comment really helpful i will take into account what you have said and try to improve on the next video and also yes i am doing something like eddsworld they where the ones that got me wanting to make flash videos ;)
Good enough
Smooth animation and not so bad drawings. Maybe would be better with a background song and more details. Or with some comedy, I mean, better comedy. It was not that long too.
Oh well.. it's a good and simple halloween movie. I think there isn't much to complain.
:P i couldn't find any background music that fitted for an un-spooky halloween movie.
Alvin, you did a splendid job. I wouldn't expect less of you, and my eyes were once again graced by your high quality entertaiment. Thank you very much.
I'm sorry but I don't have any constructive thing to say about this flash. You used very well different sprites from different places (such as the bowser from (if I'm not mistaken) MUGEN or the battleship halbert background from kirby super stars ultra), there were always comedy scenes, the drawings and 3D effects were very well done and the action was great as well. And those customs were awesome man, they make the characters actions impredictable, even to people that know the sprites.
I just ask that, if possible, you make more customs of Jump Ultimate Stars sprites (such as the Luffy attack one). A lot of them are nice.
And I have some questions: How much time do you need to create attack customs for the main characters? And I remember that you got the voice of Cooler (on DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi) for Mecha Sonic on previous episodes; which voice did you get for Captain Basilisx?
Nicely done :)
The atmosphere that you created with the animation fitted very well with the elements of the song, especially the rhythm.
I could say that you have to work more on your drawings, but it's your second flash and not something that should be a perfect masterpiece. It's good enough in the way it is. Besides, the simplistic style wasn't bad, and it was also smooth after all.
And the animation idea was interesting. Trains are good examples to talk about life. If you continue to make good videos like this one, I'm sure you will become famous someday. Keep it up.
Yeah...you have to train more
Nothing interesting or enjoyable. Try to do something that have a reason to be watched. This is just a test, so I don't blame you for not being good. But please, don't put tests like this on the portal. They're no good. If you're going to put then here, at least put when they can be worth watching.
Not good, not horrible...
You should add a music or even some colors, It's not a hard thing to do. And I recommend to train more before submiting something again. Well, but at least it has humor. Keep it up.
Excelent movie!
This flash is just too dawn awesome! All the animation was very smooth, all the images were excelently made, the music, the sounds, the voice acting, the story, every thing! It sure deserved the daily feature and I really don't know how it could be any better.
One question though: Why were those mercenaries right there on the corridor to attack Tarboy? Shouldn't security guards be there or something like that?
I gotta admit that was something we were a bit iffy on for a while, whether it made logical sense. In the end we just figured that mercenaries were cool, and that maybe coolness factor would outweigh the discontinuity :P Thanks for the review
Quite decent
The animation and humor were good, as well the musics, the sounds and the story. The voice act wasn't bad, but sometimes it was so low or the music was so loud that I couldn't hear or urderstand what they were saying.
Sometimes the lip sync didn't follow the voice act (like in the last line of the evil boss) and sometimes the characters looked too stopped (like in the last appearence of the blond assistent of the evil boss). And I think you could work more on the drawings.
Now, despite the critics, that wasn't bad. It was a good video. I just think it could be better; and I hope that my critics helps with it.
Well I will get better.
Each episode is and hopefully will continue to be.
Fountains hold the greatest secrets
Age 31, Male
Joined on 5/11/09