I have to say, didn't know you guys were that good at children voices, astonished me. You planning on expanding the Chimney Sweep lore, Chit? Could make for a good fairy tale or horror story. One or both
I have to say, didn't know you guys were that good at children voices, astonished me. You planning on expanding the Chimney Sweep lore, Chit? Could make for a good fairy tale or horror story. One or both
I honestly hadn't considered it. This was intended to be a one-off based on a dumb joke with Josh in the Discord lol
I won't say never, but no plans at the moment
So heavy, what's going on in that speedway? Well anyway, pretty vibing rhythm. Also good for setting a mood. Good stuff
Thanks :D
I gues just some race idk o-o
It's so chill and peacefull. Really makes you feel confortable. I think it's the beat that's agitated enough to give it life, yet not enough to startle you. And then it just goes on taking you for the ride and making you company. But I don't know, I'm no musician.
Maybe they should have used this version for the collab, who was in charge of that skit anyway??
I *think* it was Zazz, but I'm not 100%. In any case, this was produced AFTER I submitted the version for the collab, and the only reason I didn't use this one is because I was already given lyrics to work with, and would've had to rewrite the entire song to fit this one.
That said, I have a version with my own lyrics and vocals on it, but I doubt I'll release it.
What an array of sexy voices. There should be a movie with all of you, so I could listen to all this eloquence and genius for even more hours. There is so much heart and soul into each character, and their stages are just beautifully set. A glass of the finnest wine to all of you, stellar job.
Thanks, daddy
The NGVAC Movie...Has a nice ring to it ;)
Hehe, the coach's voice is so damn good. And the whole skit is so cinematic, awesome.
Where does Jacob go after the games?
He left when requested so we'll never know which gay strip club on the corner of Maple and 1st that I see him at after every game that he goes to.
Upbeat, epic, energetic, gives a great feel for the game. Pretty engaging. The part that starts around 0:47 prevents it from getting repetitive I think.
The biggest reward from making music is having these feelings in mind that you want to convey. You work super hard for years to be able to express these emotions you want the listener to feel. When I start reading how good the music made the game feel I know my work is done. Thanks Fersto!
Hot damn this always cracks me up the deliveries are just perfect
NOOOOOOO! I'm so sorry Fersto, I didn't mean to crack you. It was just a joke, I didn't think anyone was gonna get hurt.
Starts with a great ambience. Then gets pretty inspiring. Also fast-paced, would fit great in a video-game. And the ending feels conclusive. Nice. I actually enjoy a lot of the simplicity you talked about, I think it adds some purity to the song. Anyway nice job, really liked it.
Thank you for your feedback and kind words! Glad the simplicity of the piece added to the overall enjoyment.
A detail...
Well, at first it had a calm and enjoyable pace that was well made and all... but between 1:53 and 2:50 (if I'm not mistaken), it was like there was something different going on. Like a "secondary song" that came from nowhere and started playing.
I didn't actually like this "secondary song". I think maybe it would be nice in a video showing the visions of a robot during a drug overdose (lol), but not in the middle of "Give or Take {durn}" (if you agree with me). Changing the beats are important here and there, but you changed too much dude.
Anyways, it was good and nice in the others parts. Here's ma opinion Durn, have a nice day and good luck on future projects.
Thanks for your honest opinion, Don-L. I knew the bridge/breakdown wasn't going to be for everyone but I wanted to try something different than my typical trance/floaty bridge.
I actually had another guitar melody playing during the bridge originally that kept it jazzy but it was in a different key than the rest of the song and I didn't like how they sounded when transitioning from bridge->ending so I dropped it.
Thinkin' now I maybe should've kept it to lend a jazzy feel to the central part as well.
Ah well, live and learn. :) Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts. :)
Holy crap!
What a excelent piece of work, the crescent rhythm and the changes of it in some parts of the music was awesome, and I loved those bells (were they bell sounds?) like, "hidden" in the song and in the end/beggining of it. I say that I don't understand a thing about music but I do understand about my musical taste. BTW, this music gave me more interest about the audio portal.
:D YESS!! Im glad i could get someone hooked on the AP.
Glad you enjoyed it!
P.S. Yes they were bells. :D
Fountains hold the greatest secrets
Age 31, Male
Joined on 5/11/09