What Lies Inside
The sun was casting light on gentle snowflakes which fell with joy from the sky
The white celestial abode stood above all, embracing the woods thereby
The pines, unmoving, made company to the lone hunter who trudged by them
Wearing a beige, battered pelt coat and gloves of brown, furry boots, in tandem
The harsh, cold gusts of December assaulted her body with violence
While beating on tree barks that circled her, though they held on with confidence
There was a tensed hemp rope that went straight over her shoulders and to the ground
A carcass was tied with it behind her, being dragged; with each step, a sound
The dead deer weighted on her, forcing her muscles, but her stride was steadfast
The fire inside her heart fueled her arms and legs and her intense holdfast
In the far distance she saw the tall huts of the tribe she was a part of
She thought of the nearing Bountiful Solstice, how the meat would be enough
When she arrived she brought her contribution to the food supplies stockpile
Angeni, she, then kissed and greeted her loving relatives for a while
When she inquired about Elu, her lately ill granddaughter to the folks
They simply brought her to the poor child’s bedstead whilst giving out wistful looks
The sleeping, innocent flower had gotten worse, her forehead burned quite hot
If the high fever would not drop, a somber fate was the group's shared forethought…
Angeni’s outrage was seeping, this could not be Elu’s time yet, surely
The elder dashed to the shaman’s cave, she knew that for rites, it’s too early
She thus consulted with the man, asked what could be possibly done in time
After deep thinking, his uttered solution was one with no paradigm
With The Bones, to summon the ancient spirits of their great ancestors now
And ask for their favor, but she would need to go through a test and a vow
Angeni, grandmother, hunter, at first widened her eyes and paled her skin
Nevertheless, steeled herself and moved onward, for Elu, her precious kin
The shaman, nodding, stood up and made her way for the depths of the cavern
She walked, through darkness reached the Offers’ Pool, The Bones and torches in pattern
With care, The Bones were collected from the outskirts of the opaque waters
Angeni kneeled before them, prepared the next step in her quest for answers
With her reliable knife, she made a long transversal cut on her wrist
Each slow drop painted the stiff objects red under her as she clenched her fist
When their quick rattling began, she took distance and braced her heart for the sight
Mute and uncertain of what could await her, her soul shielded her from fright
The Bones twirled in jerking, thunderous motions until they had gathered close
Forming a skeletal monster with scarlet bright eyes and imposing pose
“...AnGeNi…We KnOw YoUr HoPe…We WaTcH…” - a low, sepulchral voice spoke from it
The woman stood back in silence and paralyzed like a caught night bandit
“...PrOvE yOuR wOrTh…BrInG hErE…tHe GrEaTeSt BoNe…FaIlUrE bEgEtS cRuEl PuNiShMeNt…
...AnD dEcLaRe…ZeAlOuS, UnEnDiNg AtTeMpTs…UnTiL dEaTh!...Or AcCoMpLiShMeNt…”
Angeni’s heart shaked, she was having trouble maintaining her own balance
But answered: “I will bring it! I declare perseverance! On my conscience!”
“...ThE tEsT…aNd ThE vOw…ArE sEaLeD!...” - The macabre thing rumbled, dismantling fast
The Bones returned to the pond’s edge as if a wind placed them where they were last
Angeni breathed for a minute, on the next one she sprinted out of there
Gathering her traps and weapons she went for the greatest bone she’s aware
The tall, phenomenal antlers of a great moose were found in a half-hour
She used her skills on the noble game, and brought back the prize in her power
However, when placing the horns on the Offers’ Pool, The Bones screeched and hissed
As the vibrations cut the air, her whole frame felt agony, the purest
Angeni had failed on her attempt, now she knew how she would pay the price
She recomposed herself and left, for the brown bear’s jaws as new sacrifice
In spite of the vicious battle she fought with it, that was not the answer
Nor was the wing bones of the sacred bald eagle, which she tried just after
Angeni was at her wit’s end and her body was at its dire limits
Trying to steady herself, she mulled in desperation for some minutes
In her insanity she took a measure abrupt, without self-control
Saying “I can’t choose accomplishment, but death, I can!”, tears began to roll
“Just take me and please may that be enough to save Elu!”, she’s in the Pool
Not knowing the spirits liked that, her rib cage flashed bright, she felt calm and cool
“...ElU iS cUrEd…” was then echoed and through the whole place that was spoken, heard
Followed by other ones, quite kind: “...ThE gReAsTeSt BoNe…HoUsEs ThE pUrE hEaRt…”
In later days, the great Bountiful Solstice was enjoyed thus fully
By all members of the tribe in joy happily and much, much truly
Elu included, the girl that’s so strong, pretty and very clever
And who in this merry day has never ever felt so better
Prompt: Bones. This is a work of fiction, all events, locations and characters are works of the author's imagination and real life similarities are mere coincidences, no harm was intented upon any individuals or cultural elements.