Drinks for Everyone!
Here I’m seated at the tavern
One half diner, circus, cavern
Watching tipsy men abound!
What a pleasure to behold
This tradition of so old:
To bring livers to the ground!
That one’s losing a won game
That one might just be insane
There’s all kinds of drunk around!
The bartender is fed up
Of men breaking every cup
That in tables can be found!
A fair maiden just arrived
Her downed husband she revived
To bring home up at the mound!
And an angry lousy guy
Hit another, god knows why
A bar fight for all to astound!
An old geezer with a frown
Calls police to calm things down
Using fist, nightstick and hound!
They just came by at the door
Guess I’ll be in here no more
Lest I get a lovely pound!